
Welcome to Hinds Happy Hounds! Thank you for taking the time to come and visit us.
As a fellow dog owner and animal lover, I know the world of dog training can be a really confusing, and sometime an emotionally draining place. Personally I've been on both sides of the training debate. I started out on the positive path, doing the regular puppy classes. But, it left me more confused and I found myself bribing my dog and having a really difficult time when there was no food around. Then I took the balanced route after seeing what seemed to be success in other dogs. And I'll admit, in the moment, using an e-collar effectively, worked! What I didn't expect was the fallout a few years later when my sweet boy Hunter, started having behaviour issues. When what I had been doing no longer worked and things just got worse, I decided to look at positive again and do a deep dive into training. I found out why balanced didn't work and what I had been taught in the positive class, while on the right path, didn't teach proper techniques, and leads to bribery! So my goal in all of this, is to help my clients and their pups learn to communicate effectively and teach your dog in a way they understand.